Giving Instruction is the command for does something which must in obeying.
Giving instruction statement can use :
1. when people ask unknown address
2. when demonstrate a recipe of food or drink
3. When ask somebody to do something that we want
1. Please / don't + Verb + noun
Noun + Verb + please
Example :
· Please open the door
· Open the door, please
· Don't open the door
2. Please / don't + Verb + adverb of place
Verb + adverb of place + please
Example :
· Please come here
· Come here, please
· Don't come here
3. Please / don't + Verb + noun + adverb of place
Example :
· Please open the door in this class
· Don't open the door in this class
4. Be + Adj + Please Be quiet,please
Please + Be + Adj Please,be quite
Don't + Be + Adj Don't be quiet
5 . Be + Adj Be Strong
Respon on giving instruction
· Yes
· No problem
· No I can't
· O. K.A lady giving instructions to her maid in a 17th century interior

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