Example : Happy Birthday card, wedding card, etc…
Kind of invitation:
◘ Spoken
◘ Written
Ungkapan ajakan umumnya dinyatakan dengan:
» Let’s + be + adj
Ex : Let’s be happy!
Let’s be smart!
» Let’s + Vbase + noun
Ex : Let’s speak English!
Let’s sing a pop sing!
Ungkapan ajakan atau undangan dapat juga disertai dangan bentuk penegasan ( question tag ).
A : Let’s go to the mall, shall we?
B : That’s a good idea.
X : Let’s be happy, shall we?
Y : All rigth.
Example of invitation card:
Dear Dila…….
Let’s have fun at my birthday party. Please come to my house on Monday, August 5th 2010, at 6 p.m in the my house.
I won’t happy without your comming.
Thank you…..
Ungkapan mengundang dapat juga seperti berikut:
1. I’d like to invite you to my birhtday party
2. Can you drop by my house after school?
3. would you like to attend the meeting?
Response :
» Receive ( menerima ):
* All right.
* I like that.
* I’d be happy / glad to accept.
* Yes, that would be nice.
» Refuce ( menolak ):
* I am sorry I can’t.
* I’m like to. But…
* I am afraid I can’t.
* No, let’s not do it.
example wedding invitation

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